What is Health Coaching?
When was the last time you felt really good about yourself? Imagine a time in your life where you were really happy and felt like you were on top of the world. This is a time when your universe was aligned: you had a fulfilling and sexually satisfying relationship, you slept well and felt rested, you enjoyed looking in the mirror and felt good about your body, your career was gratifying, you were at a good place spiritually. How would you like to feel this way again?
Your Primary Foods (relationships, career, fitness and spirituality) are all factors when it comes to a leading a healthy and happy lifestyle. When our primary foods are off kilter in some way, it's our Secondary Foods (the diet) that have a direct result. Do you ever crave sweets at 4pm? Do you consistently wake up in the middle of the night at 2am? Do you feel stressed out by your boss? All these little things mean something, and when you're out of balance in your Primary Foods, this can lead to mindless eating, feeling lethargic, depressed, etc.
When you sign up for one of the Body & Mind Transformation Programs, you will be given the tools and knowledge to get yourself back to happy and on top of the world. How? Well, we will work together as a team on finding balance in your Primary Foods, based on what works for your body and your needs. From there, we will make small changes each time we speak without using a deprivations technique or feeling starved. How does this sound?
No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.
Could one conversation change your life? Schedule a free consultation by emailing me today.
This program offers two options: The 6-Month Program at 2 sessions per month or The Fast Track Program at 4 sessions per month - each program depends on your style. Research shows that it takes 6 months to make a lifestyle change, but if you're ready to go and want to do the expedited program, 3 months may suit you just fine.
Topics cover mindful eating, debunking cravings, healthy cooking, meal planning, fitness, meditation, journaling, food shopping, goal setting. etc. Each program varies on the specific goals of the individual and includes unlimited email support, weekly tips and recommendations, giveaways and your own wellness guru - me!
Initial 30-minute Consultation: Free!
Total Program Cost: $1800 ($150 per session)
6-Month Program: 2, 45 minute sessions per month
Fast Track 3-Month Program: 4, 45 minute sessions per month
Program Extras
Cooking Demo: $150/hour
Customized Workout Plan: $30/week for 4 weeks paid upfront
Grocery Store Tour: $125/hour
Daily life does not have to be driven by our cravings. Did you know sugar can be more addictive than cocaine?! In program you will learn how to reduce sugar cravings naturally, feel more energetic throughout the day, improve quality of sleep, and feel more alert for your daily tasks.
With some simple and easy to apply tips and recommendations, changes to your diet will be made slowly and with lasting effect. You will be privy to numerous tools, insight, and new habits to incorporate into your daily life. By the end of our time together, you will have a new outlook on your diet and an improved lifestyle that lasts beyond our 6-Week Sugar Detox.
The Sugar Detox Program includes weekly 30-minute phone calls, a step-by-step guide to detoxifying your body, weekly emails, customized meal planning, simple recipes and snack ideas, unlimited email support, nutritional handouts and your own Health Coach (me!) to cheer you on!
Sugar Detox Program Cost:
Initial 30-minute Consultation: Free!
6-Week Program Cost: $750 ($125 a session)
”Working with Sara has truly changed my life. I have a better relationship with food and more importantly, a better relationship with myself, and an understanding of what my mind and body really needs to thrive. Sara has taught me that health is so much more than what you eat – it’s an achievable lifestyle.
Each time we meet, Sara guides the discussion to focus on the most important topics for me – It’s always different, and most relevant to what I need at that time. With Sara’s passion and support, I continue to make sustainable changes that have added up in a BIG way – I feel so much more healthy, both inside and out. I’m so thankful I’m able to work with Sara, she’s a major inspiration in my life. “
- Serena C., Advertising Executive
With her extensive knowledge of nutrition, healthy eating, and fitness, Sara was a vital part of my weight loss (I lost 26 pounds and inches all over). Sara taught me how to make the right choices and find healthy alternatives to some of my favorite "toxic" foods and break me of my bad habits. She's been incredibly supportive and encouraging and I really couldn't have done it without her!
- Michele H., Illustrator