Core Recipe

About Sara Silberstang

Certifications: NASM: CPT, Tier 2: EFTI (Equinox Fitness Training Institute), Pre- and Post-Natal Specialties: Weight loss, strength endurance, pre- and post natal Training Styles: Circuit training, cardio weight lifting, TRX, traditional lifting, boot camp

Born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, I have always been exposed to outdoor activities and learned at an early age the importance of exercise and eating healthy. I played soccer and softball as a child and upon entering high school I moved on to cheerleading and competition dance.

I first started working out at at 24-hour Fitness at the age of 14, which was in addition to 4 hours of cheer/dance practice 4 times a week. After high school, I went to undergrad in Chico, California, Beijing, China and finally graduated from San Diego State in 2004. After graduation, I promptly moved to New York City, got an all-access membership to Equinox, and and now I'm proud to say that I am a Personal Trainer at Equinox Printing House on Leroy and Hudson in the West Village. With a 7-minute commute to work, life's pretty good.

In September of 2011, I started school at the Integrative Institute for Nutrition to become a holistic health counselor, which is the next addition to my health and wellness offerings. I have two girlfriends who have graduated from IIN and I've only head amazing things from them. In 2012, I will be a holistic health counselor and I'm really excited for all this degree has to offer. One of the overlying themes of IIN is individuality, meaning everyone eats for their body and people all have different dietary needs. I look forward to sharing interesting nutrition facts and my own thoughts about health in the coming months.

Prior to becoming a trainer, I worked in publishing for my father's publishing company (gambling books) and marketing (for Citi Habitats). After sitting at a desk for multiple hours at a time, I realized more and more the importance of staying in shape, stretching properly and keeping up my posture...and of course, eating healthy and nutritious foods. I stayed in shape, but sometimes couldn't make it to the gym until 9:30pm at night—I remember hearing the loud speaker announch that the gym would be closing. This desk life was not for me. For me, fitness is not just a way to stay in shape, it's a way to find peace and maintain mental sanity. When I engage in physical activities, I feel happier and more energized for my day-to-day routine, while keeping off those extra pounds this is what I try to help my clients understand. :) Fitness really is LIFE (thanks, Equinox).

I have always been somewhat of a healthy eater, but I live by the motto of "I eat whatever I want, within moderation." You have to understand that I do not eat or drink packaged foods and foods that are not pure, so to speak. Yes, I will indulge here and there in some sour patch kids, but I try to eat food with ingredients that I understand. Coupled with 5-6 hours of exercise per week, this system works for me and I have maintained the same weight for many years. My at-home diet consists of veggies, grains and fruits, but I indulge my cravings every once and a while (wine, chocolate, french fries) -- if you deprive yourself of those favorite items, you will eventually go on a binge, so if you're trying to make lifestyle changes, don't go cold turkey or you'll just end up binging.

Many of the ways we work out today have come from all over the world and I feel fortunate to have traveled a lot, which has given me the opportunity to experience yoga in India, Kung Fu in China, hiking in Hawaii and many other beautiful places. Traveling or not, I always find a way to stay active and tend to make a workout out of every activity—doing butt lifts walking up stairs, working my obliques while sitting at a counter on a stool, or doing calf raises while waiting on line. When I'm at home, I choreograph dance routines around my apartment, practice cheerleading kicks or attempt to improve my handstand. It may sound odd, but I honestly see the results.

Daily ramblings can be found at

About Core Recipe

On countless occasions I have willingly dragged friends and family to the gym and more often than not, I am asked to command the workout -- this could be an abdominal routine, a cardio sequence or to correct a pose. And I've been told that I even take on the role of a trainer...counting the number of reps or telling my companion when they can stop a specific routine. And they actually listen! :-) So, after many years of working out and eating in a healthy manner, I decided it was time to share my views on gyms, classes, my workout routines and ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The name Core Recipe came about because I pride myself on my posture. When you have a strong core, the area around your trunk and pelvis, the muscles in your abdomen, hips, pelvis and lower back are able to work in harmony. Not only does your core produce an enviable posture, it stabilizes your body in every type of workout, including day-to-day activities. If you have a weak core, you are more susceptible to poor posture, lower back pain and muscle injuries. Because of all this good stuff, I incorporate core exercises into all my workouts.

I agree wholly with the statement: you are what you eat. The main ingredient to maintaining a healthy body is what you choose to eat and drink. I'm not that strict with my diet, but I do tend to ingest a more healthy range of foods which include fresh vegetables and fruits, but I do feel strongly about keeping all my favorite foods in my moderation, of course (French fries are my weakness). Because I love to cook and come up my own recipes, I will share with you some of my easy-to-make recipes and juices.

I look forward to sharing my Core Recipe with you. Enjoy!